Properties of [Ai]
Decomposition of [Ai]
Experiment Media
the Element
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Rocko's a wallaby who comes from Australia. Out on his own for the
first time, he's bound to make a few mistakes. But Rocko does the best
he can--he just gets overwhelmed with modern life sometimes. Well,
actually, life overwhelms Rocko just about every day. But Rocko is one
determined wallaby, and he shows incredible courage, whether in facing
dangerous machinery like vacuum cleaners, taking care of his brainless
dog, Spunky or watching out for his dim-witted buddy, Heffer.

Heffer is the nicest guy you'd ever want to throw out of your house.
In fact, Rocko was once ready to do just that. Heffer's a slob and he
eats too much. The fact that he's not afraid of anything is more a
matter of stupidity than bravery. Heffer is, however, a devoted
friend--the kind of steer who'll stick with you through thick and thin.
And he loves life. So what if Heffer occasionally eats Rocko out of
house and home? So what if he's messy and likes to prance around naked?
We've all got our quirks.

Filburt is a nerdy, neurotic turtle who usually works behind a
counter. Even though he's a basket case now, he wasn't always that way.
Filburt used to be a genius, a star athlete and a babe magnet. But a
serious case of unrequited love sent him to the nuthouse for a while.
Now he's back, but he's counting change for a living.

Spunky, Rocko's faithful mutt, isn't exactly a wonder dog. He smells,
he eats garbage, he drinks his own saliva and he rolls around in the
neighbors' salmon bushes. To his credit, Spunky is a loving, loyal pet.
And if he's kind of dumb, well, you'd be dumb, too, if someone dropped a
TV set on YOUR head.